ESG is more than just a result

At the core of ESG are deep and irreversible changes in societal attitudes. Increasingly aware generations of consumers want to know how their purchasing decisions affect the environment in which they live. ESG is a coherent concept that allows for measuring and assessing the impact of a business on the environment in which it operates, and not just on the environment itself. The ESG acronym refers to three areas:



The environmental area measures and evaluates the impact of a company on the natural environment, such as greenhouse gas emissions, either independently or as part of the value chain.


Social responsibility

Social responsibility refers to the impact of a company’s activities on people, including employees, local communities, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders associated with the company.



The area of management quality devoted to internal company processes aimed at ensuring compliance, transparency, and credibility. Here, we also deal with risk, both related to the company and its business model, as well as the value chain.

They trusted us

Sustainable management of a company is a source of your competitive advantage

Companies that do not effectively manage the area of sustainable development in their activities, reflected in the non-financial report, may soon have difficulties or lose the opportunity to obtain financing for their development. There are at least four reasons why companies include sustainable development principles in their strategies:

  • Market pressure and market trends, including ownership requirements
  • Compliance requirements with regulations
  • Opportunities to obtain capital and financing
  • Cooperation with partners within the value chain who are required to report non-financial data.


Over 67% of the world’s GDP is currently covered by the “net zero emissions” target, and corporate boards are already under pressure from stakeholders to address environmental issues. ESG is not just a formal requirement, it is a permanent change and an opportunity for organizational development and increased competitiveness. The pandemic and the war in Ukraine have only accelerated the agenda of the European Green Deal.

Climate change is an unprecedented risk, but also an opportunity

We specialize in assisting businesses with sustainable development issues. We strive for comprehensive work on all ESG dimensions – environmental, social, and governance.

We offer a wide range of ESG services, including:

  • Creation of ESG policies
  • Gap analysis and ESG criteria selection considering: legal regulations, climate risks, client industry specifics and value chain
  • Support in choosing reporting standards (e.g. ESRS, GRI, SASB, TCFD)
  • Data collection and aggregation strategy, including data sources identification, and control mechanisms to monitor the effectiveness of these processes
  • Support in developing content and scope of disclosures (according to the EU Taxonomy
  • Relevance and selection of profile/strategic, economic, environmental, and social indicators to report
  • Preparation of non-financial reports
  • Integration of ESG with business strategy.

Building trust has never been more important than it is today

We recommend an ambitious, 4-stage approach that builds competitive advantage through ESG, rather than just “catching up” with regulations.

  • Stage 1: Analysis of stakeholder needs and expectations, current state, and ESG vision and ambition
  • Stage 2: Development of a sustainable development strategy
  • Stage 3: Preparation of the first non-financial report and communication strategy
  • Stage 4: Support in implementation.
Case study Omida Group
Time for a Unique Lesson from Our Case Study: OMIDA Group

We present the extraordinary journey of OMIDA Group—transforming growth challenges into new business opportunities. An interview with Bartłomiej Glinka, CEO of OMIDA Group, reveals not only strategies but the entire process OMIDA underwent in collaboration with Inventity. Together, they turned difficulties and “growing pains” into new avenues for development. Watch the full interview on our…

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